“On 3rd
September at Hardwar, when you were
saying that a saint should not meet a woman in solitary whether she is
mother, daughter, sister, mother-in-law or any other woman, you were, though unintentionally, talking
about what is mentioned in Islam.
It is similar to
the teaching of Deen-e-Islam. The last messenger of Islam Mohammad (PBUH) says:
“None amongst you meet a woman in solitary because in such situation, the third
existence is of Shaitan.” (Tirmizi 2)
“None amongst you
meet a woman in solitary until the presence of a Mehram”. (Bukhari 3)
“None amongst you
meet with a woman in solitary and none amongst you women travel alone until
accompanied with a Mehram.” (Bukhari)
… and it is
obvious that you would have given this advice with reference of the holy scriptures.
The only difference is that Islamic Shariah distinct between Mehram and Non Mehram according to the need of human society. It has softer
view in case of mother, daughter and sister, whereas it is strict to its rule
in case of other non Mehram women.”
And you have seen this too…
“And Babaji, you
have also observed the negative reaction of general people on your this
comment. Throughout the evening of 3rd September, your this
statement remained the central point of debate on many of news channels. Even
those people too, who opposed the Aasaram’s episode , did not like your
statement though your statement was in view of Aasaram’s episode itself.
If you have gone
through news channels that evening, you would have seen the same faces who were
against your thinking and opinion on homosexuality and open relations of men
and women, living together without marriage.
It might be in
your knowledge that Muslim citizens supported all your views in all these cases
and even supporting your fresh statement, too. It is because Islamic teachings
are also same in this context.
Muslim urban,
also, supports you in the opposition of all wickedness like alcohol and other
types of intoxications, behavioural distortion, obscenity, distraction of
teachers and scholars in colleges & universities etc.
Most of the
behavioural teachings in Islam and Vedic Dharma are similar.”
Standing against this
“… and Ramdev ji,
the fuss and clamour roused on your statement, has once again flashed the
diplomatic face of our civilized society just like when it happened in December
last year. During the debate after the incidence of treating a 23 year student
ravenously, it was cleared that on one hand, this society creates scene on
sexual crimes and women atrocity and demands for not less than a death penalty
for such criminals, while on other hand, gets out of control when an advice is
given to women, girls and scholars.
‘Open minded’
people of this society believe in that women and young girls have rights to
live in a manner they want, they can wear whatever they want, can hangout till
late night and can behave according to their will and wishes. Muslim Urban
society is against this evil thought so,
is it not possible to you and other people like you to organize a campaign
against this behavioural distortion and brawl thought?
If you go ahead
with such a campaigning, supports of Muslim urban especially, Students Islamic
Organization and Girls Islamic Organization will be with you all the way.
19/09/2013 khabar-O-Nazar by Parwaaz Rahmani, sehrozaDAWAT, translated by: Abu Yusuf